OMG, I was innocently thumbing through the internet today and I found a picture of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his trampy whore wife. Here is the disgraceful proof:

Can you believe this mess? I mean, what kind of trollop prances around Tehran in nothing but a chador? I bet she isn't wearing any panties under that damn thing either! When is the media going to stop peddling this type of shameful smut?
[Image courtesy of]
yes, obama will save us from iran, and also north korea.
yeah obama!
and I love how he was the first usurper I mean president to NOT hijack the national treasury, nationalize everything he can and try hard to centralize government.
I also like how obama will save us from suppressing freedom of speech because we dont really deserve this.
and its so wonderful how obama and pelosi are wanting top make our decisions for us.
go obama!!!
Only retarded birthers use the term "usurper", so I'm assuming that you are retared as well as a birther.
Although I agree that Obama is shaping up to be yet another shitty president (just like his predecessor), this post had nothing to do with Obama as evidenced by the fact that words "Barack" or "Obama" appear nowhere in the entry.
Obama has not tried to suppress our freedom of speech as you claim in your blatantly unfunny comment. That's just something you've dreamed up in your own sad, paranoid little brain.
In the future, please save your dumb comments and "special" brand of crazy for blogs where it might be more DefendOurFreedoms, Atlas Shrugs, FreeRepublic, etc.
And as always, thank you for your input at the Bureau of Mockery!
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